Promotion Eligible Lists Please select an Eligible List (Title (Exam Number) - Established Date) Accountant II (73-866 (NPD)) - 07/12/2022 Accountant II (78-065 (NCY)) - 07/13/2023 Accountant II (75-480 (NHS)) -06/05/2024 Accountant II (75-480 (NMC)) -06/05/2024 Accountant III (71-899 (NCA)) -06/05/2024 Accountant III (71-899 (NDA)) -06/05/2024 Accountant III (71-899 (NTR)) -06/05/2024 Accountant III (75-561 (NHE)) - 07/13/2023 Accountant III (75-561 (NPD)) - 07/13/2023 Accountant III (75-561 (NSS)) - 07/13/2023 Accounting Assistant I (2005DP) - 01/09/2023 Accounting Assistant II(70-092 (NPD)) - 08/12/2022 Accounting Assistant II (74-277 (NHE)) -08/13/2024 Accounting Assistant II (74-277 (NMC)) -08/13/2024 Accounting Assistant III(70-146 (NHC)) - 08/12/2022 Accounting Assistant III (70-755 (NCY)) - 08/14/2023 Accounting Assistant III (79-070 (NHE)) -08/13/2024 Accounting Assistant IV(72-909) - 08/12/2022 Accounting Executive (76-037 (NPK)) - 07/13/2023 Accounting Executive (76-037 (NSS)) - 07/13/2023 Accountanting Executive Advisor, Comptroller (74-710) -06/05/2024 Activities Specialist II (76-553) -04/26/2024 Activities Specialist III (78-043) -04/26/2024 Admissions Officer II (78-818) -04/26/2024 Administrator, Fire & Police Emergency Services Academy (78-657) -03/29/2024 Administrative Officer I (76-111 (NHE)) - 11/18/2022 Administrative Officer I (76-111 (NME)) - 11/18/2022 Administrative Officer I (76-111 (NPB)) - 11/18/2022 Administrative Officer I (76-111 (NPW)) - 11/18/2022 Administrative Officer I (76-111 (NSH)) - 11/18/2022 Administrative Officer II (71-406 (NPK)) - 11/18/2022 Administrative Officer II (71-406 (NPW)) - 11/18/2022 Administrative Officer II (73-493 (NCA)) -05/15/2024 Admissions Officer III (71-461) - 10/04/2023 Administrative Officer III (76-287) -05/15/2024 Administrative Officer III (75-183A (NEM)) - 11/18/2022 Ambulance Medical Technician Coordinator (76-744) - 06/27/2023 Architect IV (71-754) - 10/07/2022 Assessment Services Supervisor II (75-496 (NAR)) -12/27/2024 Assessment Services Supervisor II (75-496 (NAS)) -12/27/2024 Assistant Bureau Director, Police 911 Communications (74-318 (NPD)) - 11/18/2022 Assistant Chief Fire Marshal for Fire and Rescue Services (70-936) -03/29/2024 Asst. Chief Fire Marshal (76-320) 03/29/2024 Assistant County Assessor Trainee (77-224 (NAR)) -12/27/2024 Assistant County Assessor Trainee (77-224 (NAS)) -12/27/2024 Assistant Director, Bureau of Campus Security (75-325) -01/08/2025 Assistant Head Custodian(71-437 (S180)) - 07/13/2022 Assistant Head Custodian(71-437 (S183)) - 07/13/2022 Assistant Head Custodian (76-038 (S105)) -10/02/2024 Assistant Head Custodian (76-038 (S120)) -10/02/2024 Assistant Head Custodian (76-038 (S150)) -10/02/2024 Assistant Head Custodian (76-038 (S180)) -10/02/2024 Assistant Head Custodian (76-038 (S203)) -10/02/2024 Assistant Head Custodian (76-038 (S253)) -10/02/2024 Assistant Head Custodian (76-038 (S263)) -10/02/2024 Assistant Head Custodian (76-038 (S270)) -10/02/2024 Assistant Head Custodian (76-038 (S275)) -10/02/2024 Assistant Head Custodian (76-038 (S290)) -10/02/2024 Assistant Supervisor of Water Plant Operations (73-058) - 03/11/2022 Attorney’s Assistant II(71-965 (NCL)) - 09/14/2022 Attorney's Assistant II (79-337) -06/11/2024 Attorney III, Social Services (2034DP) - 12/09/2022 Auditing Assistant III (74-360) -08/13/2024 Bay Constable II (73-797) -04/18/2024 Bridge Operations Supervisor (72-285) - 03/25/2021 Building Manager III(71-117) - 07/13/2022 Building Inspector II (77-581 (T010)) -06/11/2024 Building Inspector II (77-581 (T020)) -06/11/2024 Bureau Director, Police 911 Communications (76-549 (NPD)) - 11/18/2022 Case Supervisor I (79-748 (NPB)) -11/26/2024 Case Supervisor I (79-748 (NSS)) -11/26/2024 Case Supervisor III (72-947) -11/26/2024 Caseworker II (76-969) -12/01/2023 Caseworker III (71-044) -12/01/2023 Cashier III (72-528 (NTV)) - 04/06/2023 Central Programmer Analyst III (22760P) - 09/12/2023 Certified Assistant County Assessor II (71-975) - 08/12/2022 Chief Deputy Sheriff (77-517) -12/21/2023 Chief Dietitian (73-672) - 07/13/2023 Chief Fire Marshal (76-328) -03/29/2024 Chief of Police (75-976) -09/16/2024 Chief of Police (70-818) - 08/14/2023 Chief of Police (76-757) - 10/12/2022 Chief of Police (77-282) - 10/12/2022 Chief of Police (70-154) - 07/30/2021 Chief Power Plant Operator (73-958) - 08/21/2023 Chief Public Safety Officer (77-534) - 08/21/2023 Chief Stationary Engineer (72-967) - 08/21/2023 Child Support Investigator II (75-439) -05/15/2024 Child Support Investigator III (77-386) - 12/30/2022 Claims Settlement Agent II (70-772) - 08/12/2022 Clerk II (71-039 (NAS)) - 09/21/2022 Clerk II (71-039 (NHE)) - 09/21/2022 Clerk II (73-419J) - 02/10/2022 Clerk III (70-875 (NAS)) - 12/30/2022 Clerk III (74-013A) - 08/13/2021 Clerk III (74-013C) - 08/13/2021 Clerk III (77-506) -11/26/2024 Clerk III (78-222 (NCL)) -10/04/2023 Clerk III (78-222 (NMC)) -10/04/2023 Clerk IV (70-284) -11/26/2024 Clerk IV (70-435) - 10/04/2023 Clerk IV (74-683 (NAS)) - 12/30/2022 Clerk-Typist II (1013DP (NHE)) - 05/03/2022 Clerk-Typist II (3014DP (NCY)) -05/10/2024 Clerk-Typist II (3014DP (NMC)) -05/10/2024 Clerk-Typist II (3014DP (T020)) -05/10/2024 Clerk-Typist III (70-787 (NMC)) - 01/27/2023 Clerk-Typist III (70-787 (NPD)) - 01/27/2023 Clerk-Typist III (70-787 (NSH)) - 01/27/2023 Clerk-Typist III (70-787 (T010)) - 01/27/2023 Community Liaison Specialist II (70-945) -12/01/2023 Community Liaison Specialist III (70-995) -12/01/2023 Construction Inspector II (71-097) - 06/10/2022 Consumer Protection Investigator II (75-585) - 12/28/2021 Correction Captain (70-753) - 07/15/2021 Correction Captain (73-452) -07/17/2024 Correction Corporal (74-675) - 05/24/2021 Correction Lieutenant (70-785) - 07/15/2021 Correction Lieutenant (73-473) -07/17/2024 Correction Sergeant (74-689) - 05/24/2021 CT Technologist (41132024) -10/31/2024 Custodial Worker II (41302024) -02/04/2024 Custodial Worker II (9509DP) - 12/02/2021 Custodial Worker Supervisor (79-154) -10/02/2024 Custodian (41282024 (L313)) -02/04/2024 Custodian (41282024 (L350)) -02/04/2024 Custodian (41282024 (L360)) -02/04/2024 Custodian (41282024 (L380)) -02/04/2024 Custodian (41282024 (L393)) -02/04/2024 Custodian (41282024 (S103)) -02/04/2024 Custodian (41282024 (S105)) -02/04/2024 Custodian (41282024 (S113)) -02/04/2024 Custodian (41282024 (S115)) -02/04/2024 Custodian (41282024 (S120)) -02/04/2024 Custodian (41282024 (S123)) -02/04/2024 Custodian (41282024 (S125)) -02/04/2024 Custodian (41282024 (S130)) -02/04/2024 Custodian (41282024 (S133)) -02/04/2024 Custodian (41282024 (S153)) -02/04/2024 Custodian (41282024 (S155)) -02/04/2024 Custodian (41282024 (S160)) -02/04/2024 Custodian (41282024 (S170)) -02/04/2024 Custodian (41282024 (S185)) -02/04/2024 Custodian (41282024 (S190)) -02/04/2024 Custodian (41282024 (S195)) -02/04/2024 Custodian (41282024 (S203)) -02/04/2024 Custodian (41282024 (S210)) -02/04/2024 Custodian (41282024 (S213)) -02/04/2024 Custodian (41282024 (S215)) -02/04/2024 Custodian (41282024 (S220)) -02/04/2024 Custodian (41282024 (S225)) -02/04/2024 Custodian (41282024 (S233)) -02/04/2024 Custodian (41282024 (S250)) -02/04/2024 Custodian (41282024 (S253)) -02/04/2024 Custodian (41282024 (S263)) -02/04/2024 Custodian (41282024 (S270)) -02/04/2024 Custodian (41282024 (S273)) -02/04/2024 Custodian (41282024 (S280)) -02/04/2024 Custodian (41282024 (S290)) -02/04/2024 Dental Aide II (71-092) -04/26/2024 Deputy County Director of Accounting (71-388) - 07/13/2023 Deputy Sheriff, Captain (76-396) -12/21/2023 Deputy Sheriff, Lieutenant (76-892) -12/21/2023 Deputy Sheriff, Sergeant (76-893) -12/21/2023 Director of Children’s Services (77-864) - 06/13/2023 Director of Child Support Collection and Enforcement (73-784) - 12/30/2022 Director of Food Service (70-800) - 08/14/2023 Director of Police Information Systems (77-850) - 06/13/2023 District Attorney Process Server (71-962) -12/21/2023 Early Intervention Service Coordinator II (76-956) - 04/06/2023 Employment and Training Program Coordinator (73-201) - 04/24/2023 Field Auditor III (75-991) - 07/13/2023 Field Auditor IV (75-992) - 07/13/2023 Field Auditor V (75-993) - 07/13/2023 Financial Investigator III (77-663) -12/01/2023 Financial Systems Administrator (78-753) -06/05/2024 Fire Communications Technician II (76-339) -06/14/2024 Fire Communications Technician III (71-066) -03/29/2024 Fire Marshal II (71-084) -03/29/2024 Fire Marshal III (71-124) -03/29/2024 Head Custodian I(71-251A (L330)) - 07/13/2022 Head Custodian I(71-251A (S133)) - 07/13/2022 Head Custodian I(71-251A (S153)) - 07/13/2022 Head Custodian I(71-251A (S155)) - 07/13/2022 Head Custodian I(71-251A (S180)) - 07/13/2022 Head Custodian I(71-251A (S210)) - 07/13/2022 Head Custodian I(71-251A (S215)) - 07/13/2022 Head Custodian I(71-251A (S233)) - 07/13/2022 Head Custodian I(71-251A (S235)) - 07/13/2022 Head Custodian I(71-251A (S245)) - 07/13/2022 Head Custodian I(71-251A (S255)) - 07/13/2022 Head Custodian I(71-251A (S273)) - 07/13/2022 Head Custodian I(71-251B (S150)) - 07/13/2022 Head Custodian I(71-251B (S225)) - 07/13/2022 Head Custodian I (76-647A (S113)) -10/02/2024 Head Custodian I (76-647A (S120)) -10/02/2024 Head Custodian I (76-647A (S130)) -10/02/2024 Head Custodian I (76-647A (S160)) -10/02/2024 Head Custodian I (76-647A (S180)) -10/02/2024 Head Custodian I (76-647A (S185)) -10/02/2024 Head Custodian I (76-647A (S190)) -10/02/2024 Head Custodian I (76-647A (S215)) -10/02/2024 Head Custodian I (76-647A (S230)) -10/02/2024 Head Custodian I (76-647A (S253)) -10/02/2024 Head Custodian I (76-647A (S275)) -10/02/2024 Head Custodian I (76-647A (S290)) -10/02/2024 Head Custodian I (76-647B (S150)) -10/02/2024 Head Custodian I (76-647B (S273)) -10/02/2024 Head Custodian II(71-136A (S143)) - 07/13/2022 Head Custodian II(71-136A (S150)) - 07/13/2022 Head Custodian II(71-136A (S155)) - 07/13/2022 Head Custodian II(71-136A (S220)) - 07/13/2022 Head Custodian II(71-136A (S233)) - 07/13/2022 Head Custodian II(71-136B (S180)) - 07/13/2022 Head Custodian II(71-136B (S240)) - 07/13/2022 Head Custodian II(71-136B (S280)) - 07/13/2022 Head Custodian II(71-136C (S113)) - 07/13/2022 Head Custodian II(71-136C (S120)) - 07/13/2022 Head Custodian II(71-136C (S290)) - 07/13/2022 Head Custodian II (79-137A (S150)) -10/02/2024 Head Custodian II (79-137A (S203)) -10/02/2024 Head Custodian II (79-137A (S290)) -10/02/2024 Head Custodian II (79-137B (S105)) -10/02/2024 Head Custodian II (79-137B(S120)) -10/02/2024 Head Custodian II (79-137B (S163)) -10/02/2024 Head Custodian II (79-137B (S180)) -10/02/2024 Head Custodian III(71-164B (S145)) - 07/13/2022 Head Custodian III(71-164B (S150)) - 07/13/2022 Health Engineer IV (70-147) -12/01/2023 Hospital Safety Officer II (71-834) - 03/11/2022 Hospital Safety Officer III (74-391) -01/08/2025 Information Technology Aide II (21999P) - 09/29/2022 Information Technology Aide II (21336P) - 11/05/2021 Information Technology Aide II (22764P) - 09/12/2023 Information Technology Applications Specialist II (21337P) - 11/05/2021 Information Technology Applications Specialist II (23340P (NIT)) -09/13/2024 Information Technology Applications Specialist III (23410P) -09/13/2024 Information Technology Assistant Manager (21169P) - 06/17/2021 Information Technology Manager (21333P) - 11/05/2021 Information Technology Manager (21170P) - 06/17/2021 Information Technology Specialist I (22761P) - 09/12/2023 Information Technology Specialist II (21148P) - 06/17/2021 Information Technology Specialist II (22034P) - 09/29/2022 Information Technology Specialist II (23345P (NDA)) -09/13/2024 Information Technology Specialist II (23345P (S133)) -09/13/2024 Information Technology Specialist II (23345P (S253)) -09/13/2024 Information Technology Specialist III (22074P (S135)) - 09/29/2022 Information Technology Specialist III (21151P) - 06/17/2021 Information Technology Specialist III (22762P ((S233)) - 09/12/2023 Information Technology Specialist III (23437P) -09/13/2024 Information Technology Specialist IV (22763P (NDA)) - 09/12/2023 Information Technology Specialist IV (22763P (NIT)) - 09/12/2023 Legal Secretary III (70-831) - 01/27/2023 Legal Secretary IV (79-357) -09/18/2024 Librarian II (70-613 (L360)) - 02/09/2024 Librarian II (72-697 (L694)) -11/26/2024 Librarian II (77-551) - 12/09/2022 Librarian II (75-841 (L310)) - 04/27/2023 Librarian II (71-997) - 03/22/2022 Librarian II (74-317) - 03/22/2022 Librarian II (75-645A) - 05/27/2021 Librarian II (75-645C) - 05/27/2021 Librarian II (75-645F) - 05/27/2021 Librarian III (72-574 (L310)) -10/18/2024 Librarian III (Department Head) (74-058 (L313)) -04/15/2024 Library Director (75-094) -02/09/2024 Mechanical Engineer IV (72-985) - 06/24/2021 Medical Records Assistant (76-863) - 09/21/2022 Medical Record Coder II (70-522) -04/26/2024 Medical Social Worker III (2015DP) - 12/07/2022 Medical Technologist II (1008DP) - 03/09/2022 Medical Technologist III (Microbiology) (2016DP) - 11/23/2022 Medical Technologist III (1009DP) - 03/09/2022 Mental Health Counselor II (70-529) -08/13/2024 MRI Technologist (41162024) -10/31/2024 Multi-Keyboard Supervisor I (77-865) - 04/06/2023 Network Specialist II (21974P) - 09/29/2022 Nurse Practitioner II (Family Health) (3002DP) - 07/06/2023 NYS Director of Facilities III (78-750) - 06/12/2023 Payroll Supervisor (72-946) - 08/12/2022 Personnel Specialist II (70-615) -10/10/2024 Personnel Specialist III (70-187) - 06/25/2021 Personnel Specialist IV (70-196) - 06/25/2021 Physical Therapist II (3003D-P) -10/02/2023 Physical Therapist III (4021DP) -10/18/2024 Physician Assistant II (9042DP) - 04/06/2021 Physician Assistant III (2021DP) - 12/07/2022 Planner II (76-911) - 03/23/2023 Planner III (76-019) - 03/23/2023 Plumbing Inspector II (76-348) -06/11/2024 Police Automotive Parts Storekeeper Supervisor (76-981) - 07/13/2023 Police Automotive Shop Supervisor II (75-596) - 12/30/2022 Police Captain (74-160) -01/31/2024 Police Communications Operator Supervisor (70-538) - 07/01/2021 Police Lieutenant (71-709B) - 04/06/2023 Police Lieutenant (70-790A) - 06/02/2022 Police Lieutenant (70-790B) - 06/02/2022 Police Lieutenant (70-790C) - 06/02/2022 Police Lieutenant (70-790D) - 06/02/2022 Police Lieutenant (74-044A) - 02/22/2021 Police Lieutenant (74-044B) - 02/22/2021 Police Lieutenant (74-044C) - 02/22/2021 Police Lieutenant (74-044D) - 02/22/2021 Police Lieutenant (74-178) -08/12/2024 Police Lieutenant (75-669) -04/05/2024 Police Lieutenant (75-669A) -04/05/2024 Police Medic Coordinator (72-573) - 06/27/2023 Police Medic Supervisor (73-170) - 06/27/2023 Police Sergeant (4001P) -12/13/2024 Police Sergeant (70-739A) - 01/20/2023 Police Sergeant (70-739B) - 01/20/2023 Police Sergeant (70-739C) - 01/20/2023 Police Sergeant (70-739D) - 01/20/2023 Police Sergeant (70-739E) - 01/20/2023 Police Sergeant (70-739F) - 01/20/2023 Police Sergeant (70-739G) - 01/20/2023 Police Sergeant (70-739H) - 01/20/2023 Police Sergeant (70-739J) - 01/20/2023 Police Sergeant (70-739K) - 01/20/2023 Police Sergeant (70-598A) - 09/30/2021 Police Sergeant (70-598B) - 09/30/2021 Police Sergeant (70-598C) - 09/30/2021 Police Sergeant (70-598E) - 09/30/2021 Police Sergeant (74-122A) -12/04/2024 Police Sergeant (74-122B) -12/04/2024 Police Sergeant (78-997A) -12/01/2023 Police Sergeant (78-997B) -12/01/2023 Police Services Aide, Supervisor(76-035) - 09/21/2022 Power Plant Operator (75-282 (V550)) - 08/21/2023 Principal Account Clerk (70-075A (L390)) - 08/12/2022 Principal Account Clerk (70-075A (S123)) - 08/12/2022 Principal Account Clerk (70-075A (S145)) - 08/12/2022 Principal Account Clerk (70-075A (S150)) - 08/12/2022 Principal Account Clerk (70-075A (S183)) - 08/12/2022 Principal Account Clerk (70-075A (S195)) - 08/12/2022 Principal Account Clerk (70-075B (S265)) - 08/12/2022 Principal Account Clerk (79-074A (S120)) - 08/05/2024 Principal Account Clerk (79-074A (S153)) - 08/05/2024 Principal Account Clerk (79-074A (S290)) - 08/05/2024 Principal Account Clerk (79-074A (V665)) - 08/05/2024 Principal Account Clerk (79-074B (S160)) - 08/05/2024 Principal Account Clerk (79-074B (S180)) - 08/05/2024 Principal Account Clerk (79-074B (S233)) - 08/05/2024 Principal Library Clerk (74-078 (L350)) -11/26/2024 Principal Library Clerk (74-078 (L3730)) -11/26/2024 Principal Library Clerk (77-470 (L313)) -10/04/2023 Principal Library Clerk (71-957 (L355)) - 12/30/2022 Principal Personnel Clerk (76-324) - 04/01/2022 Principal Personnel Clerk (79-088) -04/26/2024 Principal Typist-Clerk (70-046A (S133)) - 01/27/2023 Principal Typist-Clerk (70-046A (S150)) - 01/27/2023 Principal Typist-Clerk (70-046A (S170)) - 01/27/2023 Principal Typist-Clerk (70-046A (S253)) - 01/27/2023 Principal Typist-Clerk (70-046A (S273)) - 01/27/2023 Principal Typist-Clerk (70-046B (S110)) - 01/27/2023 Principal Typist-Clerk (70-046B (S180)) - 01/27/2023 Principal Typist-Clerk(70-046B (S203)) - 01/27/2023 Principal Typist-Clerk (70-046B (S230)) - 01/27/2023 Principal Typist-Clerk (70-046B (S233)) - 01/27/2023 Principal Typist-Clerk (70-046B (S250)) - 01/27/2023 Principal Typist-Clerk (70-046B (S270)) - 01/27/2023 Principal Typist-Clerk (78-049A (D868)) -09/20/2024 Principal Typist-Clerk (78-049A (S120)) -09/20/2024 Principal Typist-Clerk (78-049A (S125)) -09/20/2024 Principal Typist-Clerk (78-049A (S130)) -09/20/2024 Principal Typist-Clerk (78-049A (S133)) -09/20/2024 Principal Typist-Clerk (78-049A (S145)) -09/20/2024 Principal Typist-Clerk (78-049A (S150)) -09/20/2024 Principal Typist-Clerk (78-049A (S155)) -09/20/2024 Principal Typist-Clerk (78-049A (S170)) -09/20/2024 Principal Typist-Clerk (78-049A (S183)) -09/20/2024 Principal Typist-Clerk (78-049A (S290)) -09/20/2024 Principal Typist-Clerk (78-049B (S105)) -09/20/2024 Principal Typist-Clerk (78-049B (S160)) -09/20/2024 Principal Typist-Clerk (78-049B (S180)) -09/20/2024 Principal Typist-Clerk (78-049B (S220)) -09/20/2024 Principal Typist-Clerk (78-049B (S233)) -09/20/2024 Principal Typist-Clerk (78-049B (S265)) -09/20/2024 Principal Typist-Clerk (78-049B (S280)) -09/20/2024 Probation Officer II (70-966) - 02/15/2023 Probation Officer Trainee (78-693) -02/14/2024 Probation Officer Trainee (71-109) -01/10/2025 Probation Supervisor I (70-526) - 01/28/2022 Probation Supervisor II (70-518) - 01/28/2022 Programmer II (21975P) - 09/29/2022 Programmer Analyst III (21978P) - 09/29/2022 Protection Investigator II (75-585) -12/28/2021 Psychiatric Social Worker Coordinator (72-059) - 04/06/2023 Psychiatric Social Worker II (76-550B) - 06/10/2022 Psychiatric Social Worker II (76-550C) - 06/10/2022 Psychiatric Social Worker III (77-809) - 04/06/2023 Psychiatric Social Worker III (70-342) -08/22/2024 Public Health Administrator III (770-351 (NHE)) - 11/18/2022 Public Health Engineer II (76-036) -12/01/2023 Public Health Nurse IV (71-883) -10/04/2023 Public Safety Officer II (74-143 (NCY)) -01/08/2025 Public Safety Officer II (74-143 (NPD)) -01/08/2025 Public Safety Officer III (75-346) -01/08/2025 Public Safety Officer III (77-527) - 08/21/2023 Public Safety Officer IV (75-353) -01/08/2025 Public Safety Officer IV (77-530) - 08/21/2023 Public Works Project Manager II (76-653) - 06/10/2022 Public Works Project Manager IV (70-159) - 06/10/2022 Radiologic Technologist Supervisor (2022DP) - 12/07/2022 Radiology Coordinator (41222024) -10/31/2024 Real Property Appraiser - Assessor Aide II (71-581 (NAR)) - 08/12/2022 Real Property Appraiser - Assessor Aide II (71-581 (NAS)) - 08/12/2022 Recreation Leader III (79-159) -04/26/2024 Rehabilitation Counselor Supervisor (76-425) - 10/21/2022 Rehabilitation Counselor II (76-457) - 10/21/2022 Resources Examiner (78-180) -05/15/2024 Resources Supervisor (74-639) - 12/30/2022 Respiratory Therapist II (75-778) - 11/23/2022 Safety Training Specialist (71-382) - 04/24/2023 Sanitarian II (76-229) -12/01/2023 Sanitarian III (74-842) -12/01/2023 Sanitarian IV (73-803) -12/01/2023 Sanitation Supervisor II (71-357) - 02/10/2022 Secretary to Superintendent of Schools (70-791A (S115)) - 01/27/2023 Secretary to Superintendent of Schools (70-791A (S120)) - 01/27/2023 Secretary to Superintendent of Schools (70-791A (S180)) - 01/27/2023 Secretary to Superintendent of Schools (70-791A (S195)) - 01/27/2023 Secretary to Superintendent of Schools (70-791A (S220)) - 01/27/2023 Secretary to Superintendent of Schools (70-791A (S250)) - 01/27/2023 Secretary to Superintendent of Schools (70-791B (S113)) - 01/27/2023 Secretary to Superintendent of Schools (70-791B (S123)) - 01/27/2023 Secretary to Superintendent of Schools (70-791B (S170)) - 01/27/2023 Secretary to Superintendent of Schools (70-791B (S200)) - 01/27/2023 Senior Account Clerk(70-091 (S105)) - 08/12/2022 Senior Account Clerk(70-091 (S120)) - 08/12/2022 Senior Account Clerk(70-091 (S130)) - 08/12/2022 Senior Account Clerk(70-091 (S133)) - 08/12/2022 Senior Account Clerk(70-091 (S135)) - 08/12/2022 Senior Account Clerk(70-091 (S145)) - 08/12/2022 Senior Account Clerk(70-091 (S150)) - 08/12/2022 Senior Account Clerk(70-091 (S153)) - 08/12/2022 Senior Account Clerk(70-091 (S180)) - 08/12/2022 Senior Account Clerk(70-091 (S183)) - 08/12/2022 Senior Account Clerk(70-091 (S195)) - 08/12/2022 Senior Account Clerk(70-091 (S220)) - 08/12/2022 Senior Account Clerk(70-091 (S223)) - 08/12/2022 Senior Account Clerk(70-091 (S225)) - 08/12/2022 Senior Account Clerk(70-091 (S230)) - 08/12/2022 Senior Account Clerk(70-091 (S233)) - 08/12/2022 Senior Account Clerk(70-091 (S235)) - 08/12/2022 Senior Account Clerk(70-091 (S245)) - 08/12/2022 Senior Account Clerk(70-091 (S250)) - 08/12/2022 Senior Account Clerk(70-091 (S280)) - 08/12/2022 Senior Account Clerk(70-091 (S290)) - 08/12/2022 Senior Account Clerk (77-594 (L360)) - 08/14/2023 Senior Account Clerk (78-185 (S113)) -08/05/2024 Senior Account Clerk (78-185 (S145)) -08/05/2024 Senior Account Clerk (78-185 (S150)) -08/05/2024 Senior Account Clerk (78-185 (S153)) -08/05/2024 Senior Account Clerk (78-185 (S155)) -08/05/2024 Senior Account Clerk (78-185 (S160)) -08/05/2024 Senior Account Clerk (78-185 (S170)) -08/05/2024 Senior Account Clerk (78-185 (S180)) -08/05/2024 Senior Account Clerk (78-185 (S203)) -08/05/2024 Senior Account Clerk (78-185 (S235)) -08/05/2024 Senior Account Clerk (78-185 (S250)) -08/05/2024 Senior Account Clerk (78-185 (S273)) -08/05/2024 Senior Account Clerk (78-185 (V605)) -08/05/2024 Senior Accountant(71-317B) - 07/12/2022 Senior Cashier (77-499) - 04/06/2023 Senior Clerk (74-014) -04/26/2024 Senior Library Clerk (74-111 (L305)) -11/26/2024 Senior Library Clerk (74-111 (L345)) -11/26/2024 Senior Library Clerk (74-111 (L398)) -11/26/2024 Senior Library Clerk (74-111 (V543)) -11/26/2024 Senior Library Clerk (74-111 (V625)) -11/26/2024 Senior Personnel Clerk (76-329C) - 04/01/2022 Senior Personnel Clerk (76-329D) - 04/01/2022 Senior Personnel Clerk (76-329F) - 04/01/2022 Senior Personnel Clerk (77-509 (S135)) - 04/24/2023 Senior Personnel Clerk (77-509 (S143)) - 04/24/2023 Senior Typist-Clerk (1011DP (L315)) - 05/03/2022 Senior Typist-Clerk (1011DP (S105)) - 05/03/2022 Senior Typist-Clerk (1011DP (S125)) - 05/03/2022 Senior Typist-Clerk (1011DP (S133)) - 05/03/2022 Senior Typist-Clerk (1011DP (S160)) - 05/03/2022 Senior Typist-Clerk (1011DP (S163)) - 05/03/2022 Senior Typist-Clerk (1011DP (S165)) - 05/03/2022 Senior Typist-Clerk (1011DP (S170)) - 05/03/2022 Senior Typist-Clerk (1011DP (S180)) - 05/03/2022 Senior Typist-Clerk (1011DP (S183)) - 05/03/2022 Senior Typist-Clerk (1011DP (S205)) - 05/03/2022 Senior Typist-Clerk (1011DP (S215)) - 05/03/2022 Senior Typist-Clerk (1011DP (S223)) - 05/03/2022 Senior Typist-Clerk (1011DP (S230)) - 05/03/2022 Senior Typist-Clerk (1011DP (S233)) - 05/03/2022 Senior Typist-Clerk (1011DP (S245)) - 05/03/2022 Senior Typist-Clerk (1011DP (S275)) - 05/03/2022 Senior Typist-Clerk (1011DP (S290)) - 05/03/2022 Senior Typist-Clerk (2036DP (S103)) - 06/13/2023 Senior Typist-Clerk (2036DP (S113)) - 06/13/2023 Senior Typist-Clerk (2036DP (S120)) - 06/13/2023 Senior Typist-Clerk (2036DP (S133)) - 06/13/2023 Senior Typist-Clerk (2036DP (S145)) - 06/13/2023 Senior Typist-Clerk (2036DP (S163)) - 06/13/2023 Senior Typist-Clerk (2036DP (S180)) - 06/13/2023 Senior Typist-Clerk (2036DP (S210)) - 06/13/2023 Senior Typist-Clerk (2036DP (S250)) - 06/13/2023 Senior Typist-Clerk (2036DP (S270)) - 06/13/2023 Senior Typist-Clerk (3015DP (S103)) -05/10/2024 Senior Typist-Clerk (3015DP (S105)) -05/10/2024 Senior Typist-Clerk (3015DP (S113)) -05/10/2024 Senior Typist-Clerk (3015DP (S135)) -05/10/2024 Senior Typist-Clerk (3015DP (S143)) -05/10/2024 Senior Typist-Clerk (3015DP (S150)) -05/10/2024 Senior Typist-Clerk (3015DP (S155)) -05/10/2024 Senior Typist-Clerk (3015DP (S163)) -05/10/2024 Senior Typist-Clerk (3015DP (S170)) -05/10/2024 Senior Typist-Clerk (3015DP (S180)) -05/10/2024 Senior Typist-Clerk (3015DP (S183)) -05/10/2024 Senior Typist-Clerk (3015DP (S185)) -05/10/2024 Senior Typist-Clerk (3015DP (S233)) -05/10/2024 Senior Typist-Clerk (3015DP (S250)) -05/10/2024 Senior Typist-Clerk (3015DP (S253)) -05/10/2024 Senior Typist-Clerk (3015DP (S255)) -05/10/2024 Senior Typist-Clerk (3015DP (S273)) -05/10/2024 Senior Typist-Clerk (3015DP (S280)) -05/10/2024 Social Health Investigator II (76-950) -12/27/2024 Social Welfare Examiner Supervisor I (72-478) - 07/13/2023 Social Welfare Examiner Supervisor II (74-130) - 07/13/2023 Social Welfare Examiner Supervisor III (74-411) - 07/13/2023 Social Work Assistant II (76-548) - 06/10/2022 Social Work Assistant II (78-755) -08/22/2024 Special Investigator II (Index Crime) (74-161) -01/03/2025 Special Investigator II (Index Crime) (76-733) -10/20/2023 Special Investigator III (74-035) - 01/19/2022 Special Investigator III (74-051) -01/03/2025 Storekeeper II (74-921) - 07/13/2023 Storekeeper III (78-050) - 07/13/2023 Supervisor of School Facilities and Operations (76-378) - 09/01/2023 Tax Cashier II(70-611) - 09/21/2022 Tax Cashier II(72-597) - 09/21/2022 Tax Collection and Claims Settlement Supervisor (71-684) - 08/12/2022 Tax Mapper II (76-214) -01/08/2025 Weights and Measures Inspector II (78-414) - 03/17/2023 Zoning Inspector II (76-385) -06/11/2024